Tuesday, March 9, 2010

These pictures says just 2 words...

I'm pregnant!!!!

Sorry that they are so small but I just cannot figure out how to make them bigger.
Anyway, yes we are expecting baby #3 due Sept 20th. This picture was taken over the weekend when I noticed that I was really starting to look pregnant... made it to 12 weeks this time. Not bad considering they say you show earlier with each pregnancy. Wow, I bet Michele Duggar shows the next day after 19 pregnancies! lol.
I went to the dr last Tuesday and got to hear that precious little heartbeat. That moment is so wonderful because it makes it so real. I'll go back the 30th and they'll schedule my first blood tests... yippee yah...
I'll continue to take monthly photos to chart my *ahem* progress (aka growth) so I'll be sure to add those to my blog.
Bye for now and God bless!