Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Glory the elf

It's the Christmas season and seems we parents will do and try anything to make our kids behave above and beyond what we normally ask. We tell them Santa is watching and that he knows what they are doing and when.
I've taken it a step further this year and will be having an elf that checks up on the girls and reports back to Santa. Yes, we are doing the Elf on a Shelf thing this year and I hope it's a magical experience for them. I really want it to be more of a fun, exciting experience than a reason for them to behave... but behaving would be a nice bonus!
Now, I've just got to come up with ideas of mischief for Glory to get into during the night. I have a few ideas that I "stole" from a friends blog... hope she doesn't mind!
I plan to blog each activity and event that occurs with Glory here with pictures so I'll have a lasting treasure of this magical time.
She will make her appearance today. She's already hiding in our Christmas tree for them to find when we get home.
Here's the letter that Santa (AKA me) wrote to them:

Dear MacKenzie and Cassidy,

This is Glory and she’s a Special Elf you see,
her job is very important to me.
She has came to stay with you awhile
and see when you cry or smile,
During the day she’ll stay hid out of sight,
but she comes to life at night.
That’s when she tells me whether you’ve been bad or good,
whether you’ve acted as you should.
She may get bored when she comes to life
and cause you some strife.
Check each morning to see where she is and what she’s done
as she enjoys having fun!

I’ll pick her up when I come to your house on Christmas Eve
but don’t be sad that she has to leave.
Her special job will bring her back year after year
to watch and hear.

Santa Claus

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