Thursday, November 5, 2009

Contractor drama

Okay, so we having some serious drama with our contractor. Let me explain just a little. We (mostly Jim) felt we needed a garage... funny this "need" arose after he bought a nice new Mustang but I digress...
Anyway we find this guy that gives us an awesome price along with sayin he can put the garage up (24' by 24') AND concrete our drive in just over a week. WAA WHO! What a great deal, right? WRONG! We signed the contract 5, YES FIVE, WEEKS AGO and our garage ain't finished. It's up and got the metal on it but the doors aren't hung or even on site and the driveway ain't done. Oh it gets better. We own rental property and about the same time we had to evict our renter because she trashed our house. Like to the point we just decided to gut it and start over. Do you see where this is going? Yes, like dummies we hired the same bone-headed contractor to remodel our rental house. In our defense, he had just started the garage and we didn't know he'd be such a slacker. SOOO, now we have a half completed garage AND half completed remodel job and our contractor is now MIA. We call, he doesn't answer; we text, he doesn't answer. He's removed all his tools.
"Call another contractor to finish", you say. Not so easy considering we've paid him for ALL the materials for the garage (doors included) AND all the money for the concrete thats yet to arrive. We've not paid for any of the labor costs yet but materiels we've paid for to do both jobs is around $10,000 already. We really can't afford to pay out alot more to finish either job. Plus, I REFUSE to buy another set of garage doors or more concrete.
I want to scream and yell at him but it'll do as much good as pissin' in the wind! I do have his business address so my next step is to go by there and see if anyone can tell me anything.
Does anyone know a GOOD, dependable contractor in Lafayette that'll finish my remodel job without ripping me off? I need that job done so I can get my sister moved in and start collecting rent again. Why my sister is going to rent from us is another story for another day.


  1. Yikes! That stinks! Good luck finding a new contractor.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. We are still dealing with the fact that he took items that we'd purchased for the remodel job. I may be filing a police report on him tomorrow...
