Monday, November 16, 2009

The weekend

Finally, I have something good to post! I had a great weekend and honestly, there wasn't anything spectacular about it.
Starting with Friday, I was off work (I work 4 10's) so I got some housework and the grocery shopping done. I just love getting that done child-free! Then I went and had a nice lunch with my mom and sister at O'Charleys... shameless plug! lol. Friday night we had Girl Scouts which went nicely. Then home where we had lasagna roll ups for supper... yum-o!
Jim finally got a weekend off so Saturday we got up and just hung out at home for awhile. Then the girls and I ran errands while Jim rested. Kenzie went to her friend Isabella's to spend the night and we got Nana to take Cassidy... Yippee, a date night with my hubby! We went to Lebanon and ate at Outback. We were both somewhat disappointed and decided Outback isn't our fav anymore. Texas Roadhouse or Longhorn are much better. Then we saw Couples Retreat- very funny, a must see! Another shameless plug...
Sunday was church for the girls and I then home to work on the rental property. Ah, let me explain alittle more. We decided since we spent so much on the last contractor and got ripped off not to hire another. Jim has several friends that do carpentry and offered to help us finish it ourselves. We tried to call the old contractor to ask about our tubs and guess what? His phone is disconnected... Ahh, lovely! lol. So, anyway our recommendation for Christopher Michael Robinson aka Wildwood Builders out of Westmoreland/Gallatin area is NOT a good one. They had stomped several rooms ceilings before they quit but done it wrong so we spent yesterday scrapping it off to get ready to restomp it ourselves. Hopefully if we can work on it this week and weekend, it'll be move in ready in a few weeks. We got the painter lined up and just need to pick out the tile and a chandelier for the dining area.
What about that weekend was so great, you might ask? Working sounds like no fun at all, you say. But to me it was a perfect weekend with my family which is a rare occurance with the hours Jim's working lately. It's nice to stop and appreciate all the wonderful people God has blessed me with sometime. Everyone should do it... won't you now?

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