Thursday, November 12, 2009

Contractor update

Okay, here's the latest with the contractor drama I blogged about earlier. I did get ahold of him on the phone last week and it wasn't pretty at all. Several of my friends were in the car with me at lunch when he called. At one point, they were laughing so hard they couldn't breath! I'm pretty sure I threatened to kick his a$$. Real mature, I know. My excuse is that I'm a Taurus and we are mean and bull-headed. lol So I tell him off then my husband calls and pretty much does the same. He's saying his crew doesn't want to finish until they are paid. Seriously? This less-than-stellar guy wants me to pay everything without the job done? I didn't just fall off the turnip truck.
Then there's a discussion between him and my husband about the $3,000 worth of concrete we've already paid for that he's not poured in my driveway yet. Let me explain something here. We had a 24' wide garage built with TWO doors. We discussed the driveway being 10' wide until you get to the garage then it would widen to get in the doors. DUH! He says we never discussed that and he's only doing 10' wide all the way up which has it ending in the middle of each door. Who, I ask, in their right minds wants a driveway not wide enough to get in their garage? Do ya see how stupid this guy is being? All that is a civil matter as we had a contract so that'll be a long, drawn out process.
The remodel at the rental isn't in a contract though. This is where it gets good. We paid for most of the items needed for the remodel, including two tubs. What does the genius do but buy the wrong size. Um, ever heard of measuring first??? So he says he'll exchange them on the right size and took the tubs a few weeks ago. As you can guess, he never brought them back or the new ones. Soo, technically that's theft. (I work at a police dept so I know this technical stuff! lol). Guess what I'll be doing in the morning since I'm off on Friday? Yup, filing a report with the sheriff's dept and having them take out theft warrants on him.
Oh, will the drama ever end????? Check back to read the latest as it develops!

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